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What is Chronic Pain?
Chronic pain is persistent pain that is experienced for longer than 3 months despite medication or treatment.
Examples of Chronic Pain conditions include- low back pain. Arthritis, especially osteoarthritis. Headache. Multiple sclerosis. Fibromyalgia and Shingles.
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 5 years ago, although the symptoms I was experiencing started well before the official diagnosis.
The condition is difficult to diagnose and there are over 20,000 cases a year in the UK and still no known cure.
My symptoms were triggered from extreme stress and emotional trauma and after countless visits to the GP and appointments with specialists I was finally diagnosed.
I began a pain management course which gave me ways to deal with the condition and medication that was prescribed by my GP but I have found that the best way to manage the pain is by using Reiki and the energy that is channelled to where it most needed.
Those of you who can identify with this can understand when I say that having days of extreme tiredness, not being able to function mentally and any physical movement hurts like nobody’s business can be very debilitating and can have an impact on personal relationships and work.
So how can Reiki help with Chronic Pain?
Well from my own experience and treating others over the years the main point is that reiki relaxes the body and mind. When the energy is released around the body it enables the self-healing process to begin within.
Reiki can lift the mood so feelings of depression which are linked to chronic pain can be alleviated. The energy relaxes muscles and joints and relieves tension build up which in turn relieves stress which can trigger the pain in the body.
Of course, I still have days where the pain levels flare up and I feel like I have been trampled by a herd of elephants and can barely string a sentence together but knowing that I have the ability to send Reiki energy has helped immensely.
I have over the years had the pleasure of helping others who have chronic pain conditions and here is what they have said about what they have experienced and how Reiki has helped them….
I was introduced to Sam and Reiki about 6 years ago. I was unsure what to expect but Sam put me straight at ease and explained all that would happen. I had decided to try Reiki as I have Multiple Sclerosis, and although my health is managed I still have bad days.
I laid down on the massage table, lights were dimmed, soft music played and a candle lit. I relaxed and closed my eyes and let Sam send me the positive energy I needed.
The warmth you can feel from Sam’s hand can be really comforting and at times she’s not even touching you. I sometimes will see some very vivid colours, other times it will be sensations. It’s all very peaceful and calming and at times I do just fall asleep.
I used to see Sam weekly, and now it’s once a month.
I really feel the benefit after seeing Sam, I can always guarantee a great night sleep and although my MS will never be cured, it makes the next day for me a bit better, more manageable.
SA McDuff
Here is an interesting article that I found on this website which explains the effectiveness of Reiki.
Some small studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of Reiki. They suggest that patients may use Reiki to find relief from not only the physical aspects of chronic pain, but also the anxiety that often comes with it.
According to an article from the University of Minnesota, several studies found that Reiki treatments seem to relax patients, reduce fatigue and depression, and strengthen a person’s overall sense of wellbeing.
According to an article by Anthony Schifano on the National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association’s website, Reiki sessions have brought relief and helped individuals feel more balanced. He writes that patients who received Reiki treatment experienced “total relaxation, less tense muscles, and improvement in their range of motion.” One patient who suffered with fibromyalgia pain for years was able to stop taking pain-relieving medications after starting regular Reiki treatments.
Images courtesy of Pixabay